All EVO formulas can be applied outdoors. Ensure stable conditions, never use in direct sunlight and check the weather forecast! The coating should not get wet in the first 12 hours after application.
- CONSUMPTION: 15-25ml/car
- DURABILITY: Up to 48 MONTHS / 40K KM for 1 layer & 48 MONTHS / 50K KM for 2 layers
- DURABILITY: ★★★★★★
- GLOSS: ★★★★★★
- BEADING: ★★★★★★

Apply the product liberally in your favorite motion to a whole panel. In stable conditions and when applied from a fresh bottle, Q² Pure EVO can be wiped off even up to 10 minutes after application if conditions allow. Once temperature and humidity rise, shorten the time span between applications and wipe off accordingly. Immediate wipe-off remains an option. We recommend using the Q²M SoftWipe or Q²M PolishWipe. Q² Pure EVO builds a thick layer, so you will need an absorbent towel.
TIP: The choice of towels for coating wipe-off is extremely important. Do not stick to just one type – depending on paint and climate, even the Q²M Suede might be the best choice for perfecting the surface.
Maintenance is key to keeping your coating performing at its maximum.

Pure EVO vs Mohs EVO
Pure EVO is often recommended for summer-only vehicles, where you're aiming for maximum gloss and depth with a candy-apple finish. Pure EVO looks particularly good on darker-colored vehicles and adds 'depth' and reflectivity to white paints. Though not as slick as Mohs EVO (often recommended for year-round vehicles), it can be topped with Gyeon Ceramic Detailer to boost slickness.
Scroll down for detailer reviews and FAQs.
GYEON Pure EVO light box 30ml, 50ml, 100ml
Advanced quartz technology combined with user friendly characteristics
Pure quartz protection – thick, hard and extremely hydrophobic. Q² Pure brings the appearance of the paintwork to a new level, delivering pure candy gloss. Its thick formulation requires only one layer, making the application process quick and user-friendly. After taking a look at the Maintenance Guide above, Read GYEON's Quick Guide to Ceramic Coatings here.
Q² Pure and its simple, one layer application, makes it the technologically advanced and chemical resistant alternative for natural and synthetic protective products. It is a highly advanced product based on silicon dioxide (SiO2), which only requires a similar amount of technique and effort as a natural car wax to apply, even for a enthusiast. The Q² Pure kit includes an ergonomic applicator, which allows fast and effective application of the product.
Q² Pure combines two crucial qualities of a great coating – a very high level of gloss and extreme durability. While offering durable and highly chemical resistant protection against all types of environmental impact, fantastic depth and pure candy gloss are the main features of the coating. Q² Pure surprises with its glass-like-gloss, being a worthy rival to quality natural waxes.
Before you start applying make sure that the surface is oil free and completely dry. It is recommended to wash the car with Q²M Bathe, use Q²M Iron and Q²M Tar to remove impurities and degrease with Q²M Prep. Skin protection recommended. Work in a well-ventilated area. Store in a dark, dry and cool place. Keep out of reach of children. Never apply in direct sunlight.
- CONSUMPTION: 15ml/ layer
- THICKNESS: 0,2 - 0,5qm
Q² Pure EVO combines two crucial qualities of a great coating - a very high level of gloss and extreme durability. It is durable and highly chemical resistant, protecting against all types of environmental impact. Q² Pure EVO offers fantastic depth and pure candy gloss. Surprising with its glass-like gloss, Q² Pure EVO is even a worthy rival to high-quality natural waxes in this respect.
All EVO formulas can be applied outdoors. Ensure stable conditions, never use in direct sunlight and check the weather forecast! The coating should not get wet in the first 12 hours after application.
The classic Q² Mohs was known as a multilayer product. Its EVO version changes that and now allows a simple and very straightforward application with just one layer. Thanks to the formula, but also our Q²M CoatingApplicator, 30ml of the EVO formula equal at least 50ml of the retired, classic product delivering even improved performance.
Q² Pure EVO stands for pure ceramic protection. It builds a very thick layer, requiring only this single layer to be fully functional and durable. The now extended wipe-off time makes it even easier to work with. The Q² Pure EVO kit includes an ergonomic applicator, enabling fast and effective application of the product.
Improved formula with long wipe off time of up to 10 minutes!
This depends on several factors. Is the vehicle primarily used in the summer or winter? How frequently is it maintained and topped up with Gyeon Cure or Gyeon Ceramic Detailer? For our Canadian climate, we often recommend applying two layers. While this won't double the coating's longevity, it can still provide a significant boost, around 20% or more, compared to a single-layer application. Since the vehicle is already clean and prepped, it's a good idea to apply a second layer. While the preparation process may take some time, the application itself is straightforward.
If the vehicle is only driven in the summer and receives monthly maintenance, then Pure EVO can easily last for at least 3-4 years and beyond. However, if it's a daily driver used throughout the year, especially in the winter, maintenance becomes crucial for its longevity. Without regular maintenance or reapplication during the winter months (understandably challenging in -30C weather), you may notice wear and deterioration on the lower sections due to road salts, chemicals, contaminants, and other factors. After a thorough decontamination, water beading may return, but it's not uncommon for the lower sections to show signs of wear after winter. This is particularly true given the harshness of our winters, at least here in Canada. The key takeaway is that the coating is designed to wear off first, protecting the paint beneath.
This depends on the ambient temperature. However, with the new formulation, the wipe-off time has been extended up to 10 minutes! During the summer season, the suggested wipe-off time is anywhere between 1 to 3 minutes, and in colder climates, wipe off between 2 to 5 minutes. The up to 10-minute wipe-off window is for you to come back and check your work, to make sure you didn't miss any spots.
Indeed, layering is very much encouraged, but it's essential to find the right timing. We typically recommend waiting between 2 to 4 hours between layers, but it's best not to exceed 24 hours. The reason for this is that if you wait too long, you'll be applying the second layer onto a surface that has already hardened and become slick, and the bonding won't be as effective. On the other hand, if you apply the second layer too quickly, the solvents in the second layer can soften the first layer, essentially merging them into one. Ideally, you want to apply the second layer when the first layer is still in the process of curing, so they can bond cohesively. You want the coating to be both physically layerable and able to bond well at the same time.
With the new EVOs, a 30ml bottle can equate to a 50ml bottle of the previous-gen product. For a mid-sized vehicle, such as a Camry, you can expect to use approximately 15ml per layer. A mid-sized SUV will require around 20ml, and a full-sized truck will typically use between 25 to 30ml. It's important to note that applying two coats does make a noticeable difference.
You can layer Pure EVO with another layer of Pure EVO, CanCoat EVO, or preferably Mohs EVO. The general rule of thumb is that you want the most durable product down first and the slicker product on top. A fairly popular combo, if you want the best of both worlds, is Pure EVO as the first layer (Pure EVO will provide the candy apple finish), then Mohs EVO on top because it's a slicker product that can shed off dirt more efficiently.
A general rule of thumb is to avoid water contact for 24 to 48 hours and refrain from using soap for a week. However, after the coating is applied, you can take the vehicle out immediately. Dust, dew, and wind won't have much effect, but it's important to be mindful of bugs, which can impact the finish. If you're a business coating a vehicle for a customer, and it must be exposed to water within the next 12 hours, you can very gently wipe it down with Gyeon Cure or Gyeon Ceramic Detailer. We still recommend against it, but sometimes it's necessary. It's important to understand that drying and curing are distinct processes. While the coating or panel may feel dry to the touch right away, curing involves the molecular locking process, and it requires time to fully cure.
A temperature of at least 10°C is recommended, although you can still attempt the application between 5°C to 10°C if necessary. If the temperature reaches 30°C, then it's on the warmer side, and you will need to retreat into the shade. Ideally, you want the coating to remain on the panel for at least 30 to 60 seconds without flashing right away. If it flashes within that time, it's likely that the panel is too hot.
Absolutely, all the new Gyeon EVO coatings can be applied outdoors; just be mindful of the temperature, as mentioned in the question above.
You can use products like Gyeon WetCoat, Cure, Ceramic Detailer, etc., as frequently as you'd like. The only thing to caution about is using waxes on your coating (Gyeon Wax is fine) because most waxes have strong solvents that may affect the coating.
High spots refer to dried coatings that were not completely buffed off. If you catch the high spots within 30 minutes, you can use the coating itself again to level/soften the high spots. If it's been a few days, then you'll need to mechanically polish it off or use Gyeon Total Remover to remove and reapply coating on the affected area.
Any pH-neutral soap is suitable for use, and Gyeon recommends Bathe and Bathe+. Ideally, avoid using wash and 'wax' products. While you can use them, it's worth noting that a wash and 'wax' product tends to diminish the water-beading properties of your coating. This results in reduced hydrophobicity after washing. After all, who would want that?!
Officially, Gyeon recommends the product to be used within 2 to 3 years when new. If the bottle has been opened, it's best to use up the product in 1 to 2 months to preserve the coating's maximum effectiveness.
The short answer is Yes.
PPF: Since the material is more porous and grabbier, you'll need to wipe off the coating at a faster rate. It's best to use Gyeon PPF Coating.
Trim & Plastics: Yes, though it will not darken and 'restore' like Gyeon Trim does.
Wheels, Chrome & Metal: Yes. You can also consider Gyeon's more cost-effective alternative for wheels, Gyeon Rim (also heat resistant)
Windows: Technically yes, but avoid the front windshield, as certain wiper/washer fluid combos may chatter. Use Gyeon View or QuickView for chatter-free experience.
No problem at all. Coatings contain a significant amount of solvents and exhibit high chemical stability. For more details regarding winter shipping, please refer to our FAQ section on winter shipping.
A big YES. This is one of, if not the best-looking coatings out there. Remember the good old days where show cars were waxed only because of the dripping wet finish a wax provides? Pure EVO mimics that. If you have a show car or a Sunday car, there's no reason for you not to top it with Pure EVO.