Tired of your chalky white trim that is supposed to be black? Do you want to prevent your well kept trim from turning into an ugly chalky mess? Trim Restorer has got your back. A specially designed formula deeply penetrates your trim and works from the inside out restoring, conditioning, and protecting, it's not just a cover up when you use Poorboy's Trim Restorer.
When we tell you to use DROPS at a time of Trim Restorer, we mean it! Best application method is with a foam paintbrush with just a few drops on the tip and keep spreading till ya can't no more. If possible let Trim Restorer sit overnight. Buff Trim Restorer off in the morning with a COTTON CLOTH, do not use microfiber to buff. Severely neglected trim will typically need a second application, remember Trim Restorer works from the inside out. When buffed properly there will be no "rainbow" effect after a rain on your paint. Trim Restorer will not run off your Trim and plastics and will bead water on them, telling you that they are well protected.
Trim Restorer is unmatched on grained trim, bumpers, vinyl, and engine compartment plastics. A must for the enthusiast or show car.
Not greasy or sticky
Dries to the touch
Long lasting
Does not streak