With so many requests to make a liquid version of our most popular wax, we just had to give in. Introducing Poorboy's World Liquid Natty's Blue our first liquid wax.
While converting Natty's Blue into a liquid form we decided to change it up so even light colored vehicle owners can benefit from the ease of use a liquid wax gives you.Liquid Natty's Blue is for all colors and brings a clarity, slickness, and gloss that is unmatched! Liquid Natty's Blue can be used by hand or machine in sun or shade. It is a wipe on, let haze, buff off product and is great as a topper or a standalone last step product.
For machine application use a soft foam buffing pad and spread on low speeds. By hand use a soft applicator like our Red Foam Hand Detailing Pad or Super Soft Microfiber Applicator Pad and apply in a back and fourth motion, being sure to apply a very thin even coat.
*Liquid Natty's Blue has a consistency close to that of water. This is normal and allows you to use less product and apply it very thin.