Glass Master Assorted Replacement Bonnets

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Glass Master Assorted Replacement Bonnets

Microfiber All Purpose Bonnet
This microfiber bonnet has a fluffy, looped texture that easily cleans glass to a streak-free shine. The microfiber loops attract dust as they gently remove fingerprints and smudges. All purpose microfiber can be used on any smooth surface to remove dust. Use with a glass cleaner to remove soil. Use dry for general dusting.

Microfiber Buffing Bonnet
Made of silky soft microfiber, this bonnet will wipe away streaks and dust effortlessly. Use it on the inside of your windshield with a small amount of glass cleaner or water for a quick, streak-free cleaning. Use this bonnet after a thorough cleaning with the all purpose bonnet to remove any streaks that may have occurred. The silky microfiber buffing bonnet is perfect for mirrors, television and computer screens, and interior windows.

Nylon Mesh Bonnet
The nylon mesh is designed to scrub stubborn spots on glass and other smooth surfaces. The holes in the mesh surround and then lift sticky contaminants, like bugs and sap. Use this bonnet on your windshield and even in your shower to remove soap scum.

(3 bonnets)

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