TACSYSTEM Iron Zero Paste

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Iron Zero, that sticks.

Iron Zero Paste is a concentrated form of TacSystem Iron Zero Paste. It has the same acid-free and PH-balanced benefits which eliminate contaminants from vehicle exterior surfaces, including stubborn wheel deposits. Iron Zero Paste is a concentrated formula designed to remove ferrous iron deposits from paint pores, glass, and wheels. Ferrous Iron is commonly picked up contamination caused by vehicle brake pads, 'rail dust' from transport, and from construction, and industrial fallout.

Iron Zero Paste is highly suitable and effective on automotive paint and ideally all types of rims: Alloy, Chrome, Metal, High-gloss polished and painted. It helps to restore the paintwork of the surfaces too. With its pH-balance formula, Iron Zero Paste does it work without harming the rims.

Product Benefits:
Safe and simple to use, Iron Zero Paste removes iron deposits that are embedded within the pores of paint, otherwise thought to be untouchable. Iron Zero Paste prevents the spread of iron-related damage and cleanses the painted surfaces from other environmental contaminants.

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